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enterprises scale new ideas to solve social and environmental challenges

Social Enterprises

Through the support we give to our intermediate initiatives, we encourage social enterprises that are addressing social problems such as the lack of access to education, employment, and health and basic infrastructure for the most marginalized people in Mexico. We want to multiply the number of social enterprises in Mexico that provide innovative solutions to these issues with sustainability models that could allow them to escalate their offerings to more people on a sustained way.

Meet the social enterprises with which our intermediary initiatives work for:



installed in Mexico


To catalyze development with solar energy.


They design and integrate solar energy systems to illuminate areas where there is no access to the conventional electrical grid, through the distribution network Last Mile. They offer flexible financing plans to families and programs that promote community empowerment.


In Mexico there are 3 million people in 600 thousand homes that do not have light. Iluméxico has benefited +46 thousand people with 457 KW of installed capacity and displaced +6,120 tons of CO2.

"Being part of the Empresas B Community means that our mission and philosophy are recognized as a social enterprise; we can share our experience with other companies and at the same time learn from them.”
Thanks to the support of:


solar luminaries

will benefit more than 11 thousand people in Mexico.


Generate sustainable solutions with the use of renewable energy, to promote social welfare mainly of the population that lives in energy poverty conditions.


ASELUS designs, generates and develops devices that promote the mitigation of environmental impact to improve people's quality life. The first product created for commercialization is a solar light (Luciérnaga-ASELUS) that works as a skylight during the day and as a domestic focus at night. With power adaptations it can function as a public luminaire; its structure is composed of recycled PET and is independent of the electric current.


For each luminary manufactured, approximately 20 plastic bottles are recycled. ASELUS estimates that during the first two years they will generate 22 thousand luminaries that will benefit more than 11 thousand families in conditions of energy poverty. The recycling of 442,200 bottles will mean the reuse of at least 132 thousandths of waste plastic.

"Socialab accompanied us throughout the mentoring process during our participation in the Sustainable Innovation Award. We have been fortunate to work closely with a team that inspires us to work and generate impact and disruption”.
Thanks to the support of: